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Category: Guest Commentary

Precision Protein: The key to a future-proof food system

Two prominent academics from UC Davis and Wageningen agree that there is no time — either for the health of people or the planet — to be imprecise with our approach to protein, a macronutrient that is so resource-intensive and consequential to the environment.


8 Takeaways from the Artemis Virtual Grower Summit

Digital does not mean difficult; the key to branding is authenticity; and how the CARES Act could be relevant to your indoor growing business were some of the takeaways and topics at Artemis’ virtual grower summit, according to CEO Allison Kopf.

Weather, food security, and Covid-19

Agriculture is a weather-driven sector. Increasing weather variability due to a warmer atmosphere, coupled with Covid-19 supply chain disruptions and trade restrictions, are driving up food prices and increasing food insecurity in 2020, writes John Corbett.

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