From seed varieties to finance access, South-South collaborations are critical to boosting African agriculture
Deeper collaborations with Global South peers can herald a paradigm shift in Africa’s agricultural landscape.
Deeper collaborations with Global South peers can herald a paradigm shift in Africa’s agricultural landscape.
Extensive field trials in Spain with leading commercial tomato varieties grown in open fields have delivered 10-17% increases in yield, claims SaliCrop.
We’ve known for years that electrical fields can boost crop yields, says Rainstick cofounder Mic Black. “But try putting lightning in a box.”
Corteva Agriscience has recently invested in a South Africa-based seed treatment facility to help in developing healthier seeds and reducing yield loss.
Dynamic systems modeling is a practical quantitative tool for businesses, investors, and policymakers to assess an investment’s likely impact.
Crop scientists at facilities like the new Future Seeds gene bank are making use of genomic sequencing, AI, and ML to enhance our pool of agricultural resources, Joe Tohme writes.
Andes has developed a seed treatment that enhances crops’ nitrogen-fixing capabilities, reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers. It’s eyeing carbon next.
It could file its prospectus – seeking to raise a reported $10 billion at a $60 billion valuation – as soon as next week.
The Israeli startup combines AI-driven technology with exotic and ancient crop types to breed seeds with superior nutritional qualities.
The projects will complement BASF’s offerings in seeds, seed treatments, biological and chemical solutions, and digital services.
Zayndu offers a non-toxic plasma disinfectant technology that kills pathogens on seeds while boosting germination rates, according to CEO Ralph Weir.
The US startup has developed a non-GMO soybean with 50% more protein than conventional varieties with the hope of tapping into the plant-based alternatives market.
Named Unfold, the new venture has received $30 million in funding from the two companies, along with rights to germplasm from Bayer’s vegetable portfolio.
The Korean chemical giant’s Singapore agribiz hub will “pioneer solutions for the world food supply chain through innovation, not just plain food trading,” its CEO tells AFN.
CEO Erik Fyrwald previously told AFN that Syngenta’s takeover by ChemChina “gives us the freedom for increased investment around seeds and crop protection.”
The Midwest-startup wants to take some of the guesswork out of the seed development and grower selection process through a heavy dose of transparency.
Equinom uses computational breeding, not genetic engineering, to breed crops with enhanced properties, such as a higher protein pea.
Through its Genetic Traits Detection Platform, the company is hoping to make seed selection more accurate and reliable for farmers.
AgFunderNews caught up with Cierra Martin and Hannes Dempewolf of The Crop Trust, an international organization working to safeguard crop diversity forever, to find out more about its work, and its fundraising initiative.
Swiss agribusiness Syngenta has announced the winners of its first ever Syngenta Crop Challenge, which challenged entrants to develop a model that predicts the seed varieties farmers should plant next season to maximize yield.