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Search Results for: fertilizer – Page 34

Agricultural Plant Operator

Do you have experience in plant/facility production, quality control, and maintenance? Perhaps warehousing experience, including shipping and receiving? Are you willing to operate material handling

Controller, Finance & Accounting

Background: TerViva is a 7-year-old food and agriculture company. We believe that if we are to feed the rising global population in a climate-constrained world,


Inocucor Brings in Pontifax to Close $38.5m Series B

Inocucor manufactures biological stimulants for agriculture using a patented fermentation process to combine multi-strains of bacteria and yeasts into soil and plant optimizers. It has two products on the market today that aim to enhance the growth of crops.

African Agriculture

What’s Needed in African Agriculture Before Technology

The prevalence of small farms on the African continent has meant growth in crop yields far lags other parts of the developed and developing worlds and means many of these new high tech tools are irrelevant to the African agricultural market.

agtech startups fintech

Eight Agtech Startups Venturing Into Fintech

Startups of various kinds are branching out from the world of agrifood tech into the world of fintech, both to make their products more accessible to their target customers and to generate more value from their core offerings. 

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