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Tag: biological


Inocucor Brings in Pontifax to Close $38.5m Series B

Inocucor manufactures biological stimulants for agriculture using a patented fermentation process to combine multi-strains of bacteria and yeasts into soil and plant optimizers. It has two products on the market today that aim to enhance the growth of crops.

Best of 2017: AgFunder’s Top 7 Guest Articles

Our evergrowing global subscriber base of agrifood tech entrepreneurs, venture capital investors, agrifood corporates, governments, and enthusiasts means that we have an incredible amount of expertise in our 45,000-strong network.

biologicals vs chemicals

Crop Protection: Biologicals vs Chemicals?

Chemical pesticides are under increasing scrutiny from consumers and regulators; biopesticides can provide an alternative or supplement to these traditional chemical pesticides, write Spencer Maughan and Kieran Furlong.

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