Scoutlabs unpacks the process of digitizing pest management and ‘the changing buyer’ in agtech
Hungary- and London-based Scoutlabs is betting on a direct-to-grower distribution model for its digital trap management system.
Hungary- and London-based Scoutlabs is betting on a direct-to-grower distribution model for its digital trap management system.
AEA’s John Kempf on why his company led the recent seed round for US-based precision agriculture startup Croptix.
SRC (Small Robot Company) is building survival runway via crowdfunding but says its difficulties are common amongst UK ag robotics startups.
Verdant technology can spray for weeds, fertilize and treat plants for pests while simultaneously scanning a field and collection data.
Australia’s evokeAG Startup Program is instrumental in connecting local and global startups to farmers researchers, corporates, governments and investors.
Deere is investing in not one company but an entirely new way of doing crop protection and, ultimately, commodity farming.
St. Louis-based Peptyde Bio hopes to strengthen the power of bio-fungicides with its platform that designs and discovers anti-microbial peptides.
Enko will use the funding to advance its pipeline of crop protection chemistries that provide an alternative to outdate chemical-based products.
Cutting-edge Australian plant biosecurity research has delivered a revolutionary non-toxic and long-acting alternative for controlling stored-grain insect pests.
The Brisbane-based startup wants to lower the financial and ecological costs of crop pest management with its low-power insect sensor technology.
Provivi will use the funds to sell its pheremone-based pest control products to smallholder farmers in Kenya, Bangladesh, and India at cost.
To spray, or not to spray: That is the question Trapview wants to answer, with the hope its tech can reduce reliance on potentially harmful insecticides.
Provivi produces pesticide alternatives for farmers based on insect pheromones, the natural secretions animals use to find one another for mating.