Multinationals back UN climate pact to tackle global warming
Find out which food and beverage companies are committing themselves to The Paris Agreement ahead of the UN Climate in New York.
Find out which food and beverage companies are committing themselves to The Paris Agreement ahead of the UN Climate in New York.
Remember, remember! The sixth and seventh of November!
These two dates will mark the autumnal moment when fifteen fledgling agri- and foodtech startups try to make an explosive impression on FoodBytes! by Rabobank at Victoria House in London.
Wherever we look, humans have consistently built technologies that surpass their animal predecessors. Cars replaced horses, petroleum replaced whales, tractors replaced oxen, telecommunications replaced carrier pigeons. Food may be next.
The statement calls asks corporations to tackle the financial risks associated with ongoing deforestation along their operations and global supply chains.
A startup needs reliability and funds, while a corporate needs fresh ideas. Sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it? But there’s more than meets the eye.
Narrowed down from over 160 applicants, the GROW accelerator showcased its nine talents to a turnout with big names like Temasek, ESG and Mondelez.
It’s hard to miss the investor enthusiasm for alternative protein startups but valuations are creeping up as I heard at the Good Food Conference last week.
As the industry attracts more and more attention from mainstream investors, is this investment category here to stay, asks Danny O’Brien from Idea2Scale.
A deadly fungus is putting the world’s banana supply at risk. Here’s what you need to know about Fusarium TR4, and what researchers are doing to fight it
Asia’s softening its stance towards cannabis, a once-taboo drug. It’s been legalized in three countries here, and counting. But is it a good time to invest?
Comparing 2012 and 2017 Census of Agriculture Data, the Soil Health Institute identified a 50% increase in adoption of regenerative agriculture practices like no-till drilling and cover cropping.
Like most corporates the size of GrainCorp and many of the world’s agribusinesses, the company is not positioned or organized in a way that makes it possible to survey the startup scene as often as necessary. Step in TERRA, the accelerator from RocketSpace and Rabobank.
Karn Manhas is founder and CEO of Terramera, an agbiotech startup focused on improving the sustainability of farming. Here he writes about the importance of promoting the farming industry as an appealing and impactful career for the next generation.
While cannabis investing might still seem like the Wild Wild West because its psychoactive component remains illegal at the federal level, there’s are some serious minds — and serious funds — dedicated to this space, including Mary Dimou.
Ohio-based Locus has developed microbial inputs that help a variety of crops to sequester as much as 121% more carbon.
Ginkgo Bioworks spin-off company has also added key hires including a head of regulatory compliance as the protein alternatives spaces begins to tackle new challenges.
Companies are feeling public pressure to reduce the amount of plastic they use. A new breed of innovators is responding with eco-friendly alternatives to conventional materials.
Charlotte Hebebrand, is director-general of the International Fertilizer Association (IFA), a nonprofit organization that represents the global fertilizer industry, on issues related to the promotion
Investors are paying attention. So are larger meat, dairy and seafood groups. And yet the cell ag industry still has a long way to go, agreed delegates of the recent New Harvest conference in Boston. Brittany Solano reports for AFN.
As a tech journalist aware of the potential for rapid change and transformation in this and any other industry, it seems crazy to me to be using nearly 10-year old data as a guide for decision making today and in the future.