Meet the founder: Ahmed Umar on how his fintech platform addresses food security for Nigerians
FoodInsure’s Ahmed Umar wants to offer a path to food savings insurance while connecting Nigerians with smallholder farmers and cheaper food prices.
FoodInsure’s Ahmed Umar wants to offer a path to food savings insurance while connecting Nigerians with smallholder farmers and cheaper food prices.
The Seedz platform aims to transition more farmers in Brazil online while also giving major suppliers more actionable data.
Alternative protein technologies like casein and whole-cut “meats” are the first investments from PeakBridge and Edmond de Rothschild Private Equity’s fund.
Cargill joins Sucafina, Olam International and other corporates investing in ProfilePrint’s AI-based tech platform that accelerates the food grading process.
The Swiss-Italian startup will expand availability of its farm management software to help growers farm more efficiently while addressing climate change.
Smaller-sized farmers in Mexico have no access to credit. Verqor wants to change that by digitizing more of the country’s ag operations.
Tillable says its all-digital platform makes it easier and faster for farmers and landowners to research, finance, and manage land.
Bushel Wallet aims to digitize, speed up, and simplify the process of moving payments between farmers and agribusiness partners in the US.
The digital ag marketplace aims to bring fairer prices to restaurants and retailers and more profit to small and medium farmers.