USDA awards Propagate, Rodale Institute & others $24m to make agroforestry accessible for growers
The project will address water quality and wildlife habitats in the Mississippi River Basin, a critical conservation area of the US.
The project will address water quality and wildlife habitats in the Mississippi River Basin, a critical conservation area of the US.
Conservation tech is a small-but-vital slice of agrifoodtech investment in Latin America to fight climate change and boost planetary health.
Pano AI says the Series A extension highlights the urgent need for more innovations around climate mitigation and adaptation.
Two $100-million fund announcements and a spate of deals in August signal growth in sustainable seafood and aquaculture investment opportunities.
Corporations with commitments to end deforestation across their supply chains are woefully at risk of failure, according to a report identifying Associated British Foods, The Kraft Heinz Company, and Avon among others at risk.
Implementing conservation practices like nutrient optimization, crop rotation, conservation tillage, and cover crops can put money back in farmers’ pockets, according to a new report.
A year in the life of a startup is a long time, so we caught up with Kevin France to find out about the company’s new revenue models, acreage expansion, and hiring since this time last year.
Earlier today, Kingenta Ecological Engineering Group announced the launch of a broad scale agricultural partnership between Israel and China. Founded in 1998, Kingenta is a
“I haven’t met a grower yet that wastes water on purpose,” says Oliver Jerphagnon, founder of PowWow Energy, a California based company aiming to leverage