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Tag: asia


How to pitch like a pro

Applications for the evokeAG 2020 Startup Program in Australia are open and the team has called on three of Australia’s leading innovators and champions for entrepreneurship to discuss what makes a stellar pitch.

A mini-guide to cannabis in Asia

Asia’s softening its stance towards cannabis, a once-taboo drug. It’s been legalized in three countries here, and counting. But is it a good time to invest?


How TERRA helps GrainCorp keep up with speed of technology change

Like most corporates the size of GrainCorp and many of the world’s agribusinesses, the company is not positioned or organized in a way that makes it possible to survey the startup scene as often as necessary. Step in TERRA, the accelerator from RocketSpace and Rabobank.

singapore foodtech startup ecosystem

How Singapore is building a foodtech startup ecosystem

A drive across this city-state takes less than getting from San Francisco airport to Silicon Valley. But Singapore’s making up for its lack of space by making it easier for startups to access funding and resources, as a Singapore foodtech startup ecosystem stars to grow.

Who’s bringing China its bacon now that it’s running low?

A worldwide pork deficit is impending and one virus is to blame. But who’s going to fill in the gaps? Meat giant Tyson’s latest earnings reveal it’s not them, with the US-China trade war largely to blame. Could they lose out to alternatives like Impossible Foods?

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