10 Agtech Startups for Smallholder Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa
There is a groundswell of startups and technologies emerging to help smallholders increase efficiencies and hopefully move many from subsistence farming to farming for profit.
There is a groundswell of startups and technologies emerging to help smallholders increase efficiencies and hopefully move many from subsistence farming to farming for profit.
A new coalition of agriculture and finance industry players is working together to find new ways to get technology into the hand of smallholders farmers
The bulk of Impact Terra’s new funding will support Smart Agriculture Myanmar (SAM), a project that uses remote sensing to provide advice to farmers about crop timing, pest management, and irrigation.
Wefarm uses AI technology to connect small-scale farmers to crowdsourced information by enabling them to share techniques and advice on anything from how to battle a disease to how to increase their income, through SMS or online in their own languages.
AgDevCo recently made an unconventional investment that could have great impact on the rural, agricultural economies in Tanzania.
The prevalence of small farms on the African continent has meant growth in crop yields far lags other parts of the developed and developing worlds and means many of these new high tech tools are irrelevant to the African agricultural market.
A recent report evaluating new innovations in the food system based on potential impact on post-harvest food waste and commercial feasibility reveals what the authors call “high-priority investible innovations.”
For 2017 UN World Food Day the organization is focusing on the challenges that forced migration brings to the world’s 500 million smallholder farms.
For a large, global agribusiness operating across continents and agricultural commodities like Olam International, accessing detailed information about the people and operations supplying the business, is a struggle.
If the United Nations and participating governments are to reach goals one and two of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), more investment and support is needed for small-scale agriculture, according to a new report.
FarmDrive is using big data to create credit scores for smallholders farmers, enabling local banks to lend to them.
myAgro is a mobile savings system enabling smallholder farmers in Africa to pay for crucial inputs like seed and fertilizer in pre-paid installments as they prove their ability to save.