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Category: Guest Commentary

data farmers

How to Ensure Big Data Brings Value to Farmers

Agriculture data has been a big disappointment for the majority of farmers, particularly in the US. But there is still much potential if approached the right way, according to Igor Ivanov and Ellen Czaika.

agtech boom

Agricultural Giants Risk Being Left Behind in Agtech Boom

There’s a real risk that the biggest agricultural companies in the world right now might not be the same in 10 years’ time. That doesn’t have to be the case, but if you look at the data, it’s not hard to imagine it happening, writes Paul Cuatrecasas.

precision agriculture

What is precision agriculture?

What exactly does the buzz phrase precision agriculture mean, and how is technology enabling it? Remi Schmaltz takes a closer look.

The Food Chain Is Craving Innovation

Hasti Afsarifard is corporate innovation manager at Plug and Play Tech Center, the accelerator organization that invested in DropBox and PayPal.

remote sensing

How Remote Sensing Powers Precision Agriculture

Modern sensing instruments have advanced far beyond simple photographic film. Today’s devices measure light, radiation, and heat by capturing different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, writes Joe Byrum.

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